If your employment status has been affected by COVID-19, you can apply for unemployment benefits. Below was found on the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance website.
On March 16, 2020, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued an executive order to ensure workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic have full access to unemployment benefits. The executive order makes applicants eligible for unemployment benefits if:
- A healthcare professional or health authority recommended or ordered them to avoid contact with others.
- They have been ordered not to come to their workplace due to an outbreak of a communicable disease.
- They have received notification from a school district, daycare, or other childcare provider that either classes are canceled or the applicant’s ordinary childcare is unavailable, provided that the applicant made reasonable effort to obtain other childcare and requested time off or other accommodation from the employer and no reasonable accommodation was available.
Governor Walz’s executive order waives the nonpayable or “waiting” week to ensure applicants have access to unemployment benefits as quickly as possible.
While all applicants for unemployment benefits must actively seek suitable employment, Governor Walz’s executive order stipulates that you may look for suitable work that does not pose a risk to your health or the health of others. If you have only been laid off temporarily, you can meet work search requirements by staying in contact with your current employer.
Finally, Governor Walz’s executive order waives the ordinary five-week benefit limitation for business owners who had previously elected coverage and have become unemployed as a result of COVID-19.
If your employment has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage you to apply for unemployment benefits online.
- If there is a link to Request Benefits or Reactivate Your Account, you have a current account on file and you should either begin requesting benefits or reactivate your account.
- If you have the Apply link on your account, see below.
If you have not applied for unemployment benefits before, or if you are unable to reactivate a previous account, you will have to create a new account.
If you have any questions about what information you should be providing your employees, or how to complete the unemployment application process, please reach out to our Human Resources Consulting experts today!
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