“What now?”
This is the question that burdens many minds of those impacted by the Equifax breach in September. While it hasn’t impacted everyone, it’s leaving those not affected anxious and wanting to ensure their information remains safe.
We posted previously about what to do if you were impacted and how you can protect yourself. Check it out here if you missed it!
What might these scammers do?
Unfortunately, the information they’ve gathered can do sizable damage. They have all the information they need to effectively be you.
The most serious of these risks will occur around tax time. With the content obtained by these scammers, they are now equipped with the information they need to file taxes under your name. The simplest solution to this risk is to file your taxes as early as possible.
They may also call on behalf of Equifax stating that they want to verify your account information. This is a scam. If you receive one of these calls, do not speak to the person or to the automated voice, do not select any number to disengage or unsubscribe. Simply hang up. The same suggestions hold true if you are to be contacted by the IRS. The IRS will NOT call you and say you owe money. If you do get a call of this nature and you are questioning its validity, hang up and contact your tax preparer for next steps.
Finally, be cautious of potentially false websites, emails, or text messages requesting additional information someone may need to act on your behalf.
Regardless of whether or not you are contacted by one of these scammers, the key is to stay vigilant and protect yourself. If you have questions about how to do this, see our post here or contact our Financial Advisor John Patock today!
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